Cool animation, but all the cool kids use King James version.
Cool animation, but all the cool kids use King James version.
I agree
Half-naked middle aged man aside, this one arguably had the best color scheme.
I agree!
As usual, great job! I found the bit with the peeing turd to be quite clever. However, it would probably have done a lot better if you had some sort of music looping in the background (even if it was generic infomercial music).
Mah boi!
Academic success does not equal real world success. You've got a decent grasp of flash but you need to practice more and polish your skills.
Ok thanks for the info.
It had a plot...
As you are likely aware, the visuals were quite poor. However, unlike most videos of this visual quality it actually had a decent plot.
thanks for commenting
Don't see that too often...
Excellent, the simple Game Boyish pixel art works. I liked what you did with the intro cut scene. While it only black white and grey (like a gameboy) and the characters were stiff the drawing was very good. My only complaint is with the use of the blur filters which take away from the pixel effect by distorting the pixels.
Great, it was mostly a simple 8-bit operation (for music and sound effects) which fit well with the visuals. My only complaint is with that laughing music which didn't seem to fit in with the 8-bit sounds.
Very good except for the use of filters. As said before, the blur filters seem to take away from the pixel effect.
Excellent, but work on consistency.
Hm... the blur and the laughing. Well, I knew that I didn't know how to change the laugh the way I wanted to, but the blur... I didn't think the blur was an issue. Thanks for pointing that out!
Overall: Very good for a beginner
Decent in some places, poor in others. You did well with picking out the colors and incorporating cutouts (I like what you did with the police badge). Unfortunately your overall drawing skill needs work (look into shading). Perhaps next time you draw stick figures you should use the line-tool for the limbs and body. I say this because the gray lines making up your figures give them a segmented look and the lines on the arms are messy.
There was little actual animation and a heavy reliance on tweens (which the expert critics usually whine about). I guess tweens are acceptable for a scrolling background or a car going in a straight line but frame-by-fame is best for say blinking eyes or a tear drop rolling down the face. The fire on the rocket should have been moving. I'd suggest at least a two-frame animation involving two slightly different drawings of the flame. My main complaint is with the rain. Not only was it poorly integrated but it froze and started a new copy when it started over.
The sad music did very well to set the mood for this but there was no sound effects.
The concept of this was beautiful. Making an animation to regain a lost friend (even if it's an e-friend) is a noble cause. However this was greatly diminished by the tea-bagging bit at the end (which should have brought the rating up to "T").
You should also look into preloaders and stop buttons.
Work on your drawing and animating skills but also spend more time on your work.
than you man, very informative review, much appreciated, and good news, my friend was found! :-D
Where's the alien?
Why didn't you show the alien tearing the green guy up? That would have made a significant difference in your rating.
Because that's really difficult to do, seriously, it is. And also, it's meant to be subtle.
Maybe if I didn't show the alien in the background it would have been funnier.
"He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17 KJV
Age 37, Male
Joined on 4/9/09